Tarot Card of the Day

Page of Wands (Deck: Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani)

The Page of Wands is about discovering, or rediscovering, your passion for life. What lights your fire? What were you passionate about in your childhood and twenties? Are there creative endeavors you could pick up again that used to make you happy? Anything creative can spark that youthful enthusiasm in you. Try something new, even if it’s as simple as an adult coloring book or learning to knit. Having an outlet for creativity helps us use the right side of our brain so we’re more balanced. If you have a partner, get creative in your relationship and intimate life! Have fun! Do things that make you laugh and feel joy in life, that make you feel happy you’re alive.

The Page of Wands in the Tarot of the Divine deck is represented by the story of Mwindo from Congo mythology, which appears to be a long and complicated tale. King Tubondo told his wives to only bear daughters, no sons. One wife bore a son in secret. He was born from her finger with a flyswatter, an axe, and a bag of fortune. When the king found out about the son, he threw him in the river in a drum. The drum floated and Mwindo lived. He found help and chased his father from hell to the skies and finally defeated him. He was very creative in his many ways to battle his father, getting help from many beings including his aunt and various divine personages. He set himself up as king in his father’s kingdom with 3 thrones, one for himself in the middle, his aunt on one side as advisor, and his father on the other side as a prisoner.

Be creative! Think outside the box. If traditional solutions aren’t working for you, step outside the normal thought process and come up with something different. Put that right brain to work. And do things you’re passionate about. You should have joy and laughter in every day. Make it so!

-MAJK Mom (majkmom.com)
(Resource: Beneath the Moon by Yoshi Yoshitani)

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