Tarot Card of the Day

Judgement (Deck: Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani)

The Judgement card encourages us to take a look at our lives, where we’ve been, where we’re at, and where we’re going. Perfect card for the new year! We can look back on our goals for last year and determine how successful we were. Did you complete your goals for last year? Each year at Imbolc (Feb 2), the Wiccan community sets goals for the new year based on the energy of the houses of the Zodiac. This gives us a wide range of projects and intentions to work on for the year. I am a planner, so I love this time of year and reviewing my goals and intentions for last year and the year to come.

The Judgement card in the Tarot of the Divine deck is represented by Sun Wukong, The Monkey King from Chinese mythology. Once there was a monkey born magically from a rock who gained incredible powers by defeating the dragons of the four seas and all the warriors in heaven. Heaven was concerned about the growing power of the Monkey King and asked Buddha for help. Buddha challenged the Monkey King, but Sun Wukong failed and Buddha imprisoned him for 500 years. Buddha released him so that he could join others who were atoning for their crimes on a mission. Sun Wukong and his partners successfully completed the objective of the mission, and developed many virtues in the process. He was finally granted Buddhahood for his strength and service.

We live in difficult times, but there are still many things we can accomplish. Set goals for the year based on your personal inner work, since social and community goals are hard to achieve during a pandemic. However, your goals may be related to helping with the pandemic in some way. Safely, of course! Your health should come first! We all need to be conscious of our own part we play in this world, how our actions and behavior affect both ourselves and others. Go set some goals for the new year, and don’t be afraid to stretch yourself a little. Make them attainable, but challenging. Believe in yourself, and you can make anything happen!

-MAJK Mom (majkmom.com)
(Resource: Beneath the Moon by Yoshi Yoshitani)

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